Man of Action
My first vintage-style figure. A KFG Man of Action, from the Timeless Collection. He was in the "Undercover Agent" boxed set. Got him for Christmas one year when it seemed like the GI Joe 40th Anniversary line was just starting.
He suffered a lot of abuse, as he has been a favorite for quite some time, but, admittedly, he drifted from that spot when his hair fell off.
But I resolved to get him fixed up. It wasn't just the hair that needed attention. His hands, made of plastic instead of a more forgiving rubber, were cracking, and more than one finger was in danger of being lost. And his face paint was a tad odd. No lip paint, yellow scar. Gotta change that, so I did.
Hands are from Hobbycrash, who make the reportedly stellar re-issues of Geyperman figures, the Spanish GI Joe license, thus, their KFG hands were perfect for my MOA here.
Also secured for him a vintage rifle (issued with KFG GI Jes), and a 40th Action Man basic soldier uniform, that I removed the top snap of, to make it more like the original. I have plans to make a custom box for this figure as well.